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• Carrossier automobile : CAP et BAC PRO
• Peintre automobile : CAP 1 an

Boulangerie Pâtisserie
• Pâtissier : CAP – Mention Complémentaire – BTM
• Chocolatier : CAP en 1 an
• Glacier : CAP en 1 an – BTM

Boucherie Charcuterie
• CAP Charcutier Traiteur en 1 an

Industrie hotelière
• Cuisinier : CAP – Brevet Professionnel – Mention Complémentaire Cuisinier en desserts de restaurant
• Serveur en salle : CAP – Brevet Professionnel
• Production et Service en Restaurations (rapide, collective et cafétéria) : CAP

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The weather started getting rough the tiny ship was tossed If not the courage of fearless crew the Minnow would be lost.
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The weather started getting rough the tiny ship was tossed If not the courage of fearless crew the Minnow would be lost
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The weather started getting rough the tiny ship was tossed If not the courage of fearless crew the Minnow would be lost
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The weather started getting rough the tiny ship was tossed If not the courage of fearless crew the Minnow would be lost